In My Head
Dark-Comedy/Thriller, 2024, in post-production
The newly appointed CEO of the family company discovers a dark secret following the passing of his father.
In My Head explores the sensation of being unable to escape the expectation trap. Where is the line between doing what seems right and what feels right? In this film, George watches his life pass by as he lives a life that is not his own.
Full House
Comedy, 2024, in post-production
A failing family restaurant hosts a poker game when the church decides to come pray for them.
Full House explores the nuanced relationship between the Korean diaspora and religion. What presents itself as a dreaded social setting for one can be the guiding light for other. Ultimately, love presents itself in the form of compromise. In this film, the Han family rally together to overcome a looming disaster.
Music Video, 2024, in post-production
A disillusioned Yeena dreams of what could have been when she realizes the reality she currently lives is one of joy.
Cheesecake is a music video that explores the idea of the shoulda-coulda-woulda. Dreams are ideas that are chased, romanticized, and are often excuses for discontent. It’s never too late to make these fantasies your reality. In this music video, Yeena searches internally to relocate that charm that makes her uniquely her.
Picking Up Where We Left Off
Drama, 2023, in post-production
Two brothers reconnect during their annual road trip, their first since the departure of their father.
Picking Up Where We Left Off is a film that explores both the resilience of family and its mercurial nature of misunderstandings. Jake and Sammy are both right in their own regards as they navigate their differences to find sympathy for one another. Sometimes, distance is what is best.
Undead Calamity
Drama/Thriller, 2023, on festival circuit
Two sisters set out to find their mother during a zombie outbreak when both foes and friends take a stand.
Undead Calamity is a film that explores perspective and how small thoughts can manifest extreme actions. Morality is a line that is blurry and is fluid based on the eyes of the beholder. When put in the reaches of peril, true colors of the heart begin to surface. In this film, 애리 (Ari) has to make a decision that will skew her outlook on life forever.
Sunkissed Sky
Drama, 2022, Available Online
A Korean-American golden child grapples with the ramifications of falling short of expectations.
Sunkissed Sky is a film that attempts to capture the essence of what it is to live a life driven by achievements, expectations, and acceptance. Henry Haneul Yoon lives a life defined by a merit-based checklist rather than one driven by dreams. When faced with a discrepancy in what is expected of him and what he desires, the individual hopes of the family become fantasies. In this film, Henry reflects on the circumstances that lead him to this point.
Drama, 2022, Available Online
A daughter-father pair of orchestra conductors get into a fight when auditions go poorly.
Maestri is a film that depicts a life in the shadows. Even though Celine’s passions truly lie in music, nothing she does will ever be able to fill the shoes of her father. Bound by blood but cemented by the public gaze, Celine lives a life that feels contingent on success. In the film, Celine confronts her father in a futile attempt to plead her case.